Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Braydon's First Video

Okay so the video quality has a lot to be desired but I still think it is pretty cool that I can even get this on the internet. I will get better at the video for you all in the future. Please enjoy Braydon's first Video.

By the way we took him for another check up and we have found that he is now 10lb 10 oz and 22 inches. In case you did not keep track that is 4 lbs in 4 weeks. I don't think he has a problem eating. We just hope he catches up to his cheeks soon. All is well and we can not wait for Christmas to get here.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving and Other Firsts for Braydon

This is a much over due addition to the blog and I apologize. Courtney and I have been adjusting to the new sleep schedule and that has left less time to update the blog. And to be completely honest we are enjoying being parents so much that we have not made time for it either. We realize that it is not fair to all of you so here is a little recap. First of all it was a very Happy Thanksgiving in the Desert. It has been 4 years since Courtney and I have been home for Thanksgiving, which was one thing to be thankful for in itself. We have great family and friends here and the pictures below show most of the attendees. I apologize that you can not see everyone I had to take one of the pictures while jumping on the trampoline to get high enough. I am serious about that one.

Attendees were (and if you don't know them sorry, you should we are a fun group): Steve, Kathy, Jamie, Scott, Clint, Ashley, Sydney(Braydon's cousin that was born on the same day) Ashley's Parents and Brother, Stacia (Friend of Clint and Ashley) Uncle Rick, Julie, Brett, Grandma RuthAnn, Courtney, Braydon, Ian and Lily(our dog)

This was a four generation meal. What a great reason to be thankful.

So it was great being home for Thanksgiving. Braydon had a great time meeting new people. I did not get much time with him once we got there because everyone else kept taking him away from me. Courtney at least had to feed him so she got to hold him for about 30 mins all toll.

One of the people that did not want to put him down was Julie, as shown below. I am pretty sure we could drop Braydon off at her house and not come back for a week, Bahamas here we come!! This was the first time Braydon had met Rick and Julie

Here is the first round of Braydon Firsts:
Braydon has been held by his grandpa many times but he has not been held by grandpa with his cousin Sydney at the same time. Here is a proud first time Grandpa holding his two new grandchildren. I think he likes having them around.

This next first is a little Baby X rated first but because he is a baby we can do it. Here is Braydon's first bath. Scrub a dub he had a great time. It will be fun to show him these pictures in about 20 years when all of his friends are around. I think it is funny how we can bathe him in the sink. The was he is eating I don't think that will last long.

So Braydon thoroughly enjoyed the bath however I will let you be the judge as to whether or not he enjoyed his next first experience. Here is Braydon in one of the robes that his Grammy Tammy made. He actually liked it a lot and the good thing is that he has a lot of room to grow into them. He was swimming in it a little bit as you ca tell since he has only a head and one foot showing.

This is a picture of Dad holding Braydon for the first time after his first bath.

Today Braydon is 4 weeks old and that is the first time he has been that old. So I really liked this picture and thought I would add it just because.

We hope everyone else is doing well and don't forget to leave a message if you stopped by the blog. We like to know when people have visited. Have a great day!!!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Our Little Pumpkin

There is something a better about holidays now, and I think the picture below will illustrate what I am talking about.

We had the most productive Halloween in a long time. We were able to put up a few decorations and we had the most tricker treater's since I can remember. We were able to share the evening with our family as well. It is really nice to have the holidays with family again. Braydon was not that excited about it but he showed up in a costume anyway.

I am pretty sure that Lily had the best time. Every time the door bell rang she started barking and was always the first one to the door to greet all the cute kids.
Sleep is happening very sporadically these days and it is nice when it lasts more than 2 hours at a time. Braydon has been a great addition to the family and everyday we learn a little something new. We hope you all enjoyed your Halloween as well and please don't hesitate to leave a message. We really enjoy knowing who is vi sting our blog.